Where You Can Help
Here are some organizations where you can donate
to help save the bonobos
Bonobo Conservation Initiative
African Wildlife Foundation (AWF)
Block Bonobo Foundation, in conjunction with the Dr. Susan Block Institute and Bonoboville, is dedicated to protecting, promoting and studying bonobo apes, as well as educating people in the Bonobo Way. We "adopt" bonobos at Lola ya Bonobo and BCI and donate to some of the organizations above that are protecting and saving bonobos in the wild as well as studying those in captivity. A portion of your Block Bonobo Foundation donation also goes to the support of our media and educational efforts. To find out more about the Block Institute and Block Bonobo Foundation and our work, call us anytime at 626.461.5950 or contact us through the form above. To donate to any of the organizations above, please go directly to their websites. To make a donation to the Block Bonobo Foundation through Paypal, click below. To donate by phone, call 626-461-5950.
The Block Bonobo Foundation is a not for profit private project of Dr. Susan Block & Pr. Maximillian Lobkowicz.